
Discover our journey

Welcome to the heart of our company, where our journey shapes our services. Founded in 2007, our ambition was to revolutionize the visual inspection and product shipment industry. Rooted in a deep commitment to quality and efficiency, we've grown from a small team to industry leaders. Our story is one of innovation, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Join us as we continue to evolve, ensuring the highest standards in every aspect of our business.

Aiming at Excellence

Here, our mission is to provide top-tier visual inspection and shipment services with an unwavering commitment to quality and client satisfaction. Our vision is to be the industry's benchmark, leading with integrity, innovation, and excellence. We strive to not only meet but exceed customer expectations, fostering long-term partnerships built on trust and exceptional service.

What Defines Us

Our core values are the pillars of our identity:

  • Integrity: Honesty and transparency in all our dealings.

  • Innovation: Constantly seeking better ways to serve our clients.

  • Quality: Uncompromising standards in every inspection.

  • Customer Focus: Tailoring our services to meet client needs.

  • Teamwork: Collaborating for success and shared growth.

These values guide our daily operations and our strategic decisions, ensuring we deliver the best to our clients and team members.


Our journey is marked by significant milestones and achievements:

[20016]: Launched with a team of 3 experts.

[2018]: Expanded services to major markertplace.

[2022]: Achieved industry certification award.

[2023]: Surpassed 500,000 inspections, a testament to our expertise.

[Planned in 2025]: Opening our 150 offices, covering our online geographic reach with offline representative offices.

Meet The Experts

Behind our success is a team of dedicated professionals. Meet the minds driving our team


Lucas Schultz, Head of Employee Support


Anna Dare, Recruitment Team Lead


Dimitri Abernathy, Sales and BizDev Lead

Community and Environment

Committed to Community and Sustainability

We believe in giving back to the community and preserving the environment. Our corporate social responsibility initiatives focus on community engagement and environmental sustainability. We're committed to making a positive impact, ensuring our business growth aligns with our social and environmental responsibilities.

Looking to the Future

Our Vision for the Future

As we look to the future, our focus remains on expanding our services, embracing new technologies, and strengthening our client relationships. Join us on our journey as we continue to set new standards in visual inspection and product shipment, innovating and growing every step of the way.